Time Strategies

(A cat sleeping while reading from Wikimedia Commons)
I am absolutely horrible at procrastinating (or good at it I guess?) Time management is not my best skill, but even if I'm up til 2 a.m. I will finish what I start. I read the article 3 Steps to Recapture Time and I really liked how it talked about how it's okay to say no to things that don't fit into your plans. I have a hard time saying no, but I know that sometimes I have to put myself first in order to thrive later on.

The second article, How to build a realistic study plan, helped me think about the importance of writing down your goals and schedules. I have a bad habit of telling myself I'll do something, then just kind of putting it off until later that night. If I write it down somewhere like in my planner, it will be harder to avoid because it is on paper that I am going to be doing something at that time.

I have struggled with procrastinating in the past, but this semester I will really need to work ahead and plan things out because of how all of my classes are. I bought a dry erase calendar and I am going to try really hard to write down everything I need to do ahead of time and plan things on a weekly basis and not just the day before.


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