Reading Notes: British North America part B

Bibliography: British North American Tales, Source Wolverine: Flickr This time I decided to do my notes by analyzing the animals portrayed in these stories. A lot of them have the same animal mentioned more than once so I’m curious if certain stereotypes are portrayed for the same species in different stories. Fox warrior, swift footed annoyed at Hare for being slow great smoker, and banished hare to the brush hungry, quick eater not one to die easily, knows how to escape smart, clever, enemies with coyote Hare warrior, swift footed liked to take his time and smoke his pipe went under bushes Turtle lives alone, needs help from big animals crowd of little turtles ready to fight Smart, tricks eagles into “drowning” him “Turtle cannot be overpowered by anyone” Deer kind to help turtle fought a tree and broke horns? Bear clumsy, tries to help turtle kidnapped a woman, tried to keep her captive Co...