An Introduction to a Scrunchie Enthusiast

Hello & welcome to Hayley's scrunchie!!! My scrunchie holds all my hair together and this blog will hold all my thoughts together.

(Personal photo of me at Camp Crimson wearing
 one of about a dozen scrunchies I have)

This summer I was a Small Group Leader at Camp Crimson, and our name tags say
"Ask me about ___"  You can put whatever you want on there, like campus involvement or favorite animals but mine said ask me about my spotify playlists.

I am a huge music lover and switching to Spotify Premium a year and a half ago truly changed my life. I really love alternative and indie music, and there are so many bands out there it kinda freaks me out how much good music there is out in the world I've never even heard before.

(Personal photo of when my best friend (left) and I (right) met
 the lead singer of Walk the Moon, one of my favorite bands)

One of my favorite playlists is called Night Drive. There is such a specific feeling that comes with driving at night, you might be driving back alone from a coffeeshop, or maybe theres five friends squeezed in one car jamming out. This playlist is full of modern indie music with 80's pop/techno vibes that make you feel alive.

I am a junior advertising major here at OU, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I can tell you why I like advertising. I did theatre in high school and the simplest way to explain a play or a musical is a story. When I acted, I was helping tell a story. Advertising is simply another form of storytelling.

Theatre was such a huge part of my identity in high school, so I didn't want to completely stop acting. I got involved with University Sing my freshman year and that has been one of the best decisions I've made. I got to sing, dance, and feel the rush of performing onstage that I missed so much.

(Personal photo from our University Sing 2016 show
Everybody Wants To Rule the World)

This year I am a director for U-Sing, and I could not be more excited to participate in one of my favorite OU traditions. I am going to have a busy semester, but I'm excited to start junior year and learn a little more about myself.


  1. This scrunchie metaphor is so cute, Hayley! I wear my hair back too, so I can definitely relate. I wish I were as good at keeping my thoughts together as I am my ponytail ha ha. And "ask me about" idea is so cool: I think I will go put an "ask me about" something in my blog sidebar right now. Playlists are so much fun: I create YouTube playlists because I can share them with anybody at my blog or at the different class websites. Being able to work with video and text together is one of my favorite things about blogging. You could add the video for Everybody Wants To Rule the World right here in your post to go with that picture for example. (And time warp: that song came out when I was an undergraduate in college! TIME FLIES.)

  2. Hi Hayley! I recently used my free week trial for Spotify and I have to say I really like the playlists you can choose from! There are categories like workout playlists or more relaxing songs! I think it's the best music app for personalizing your music choices. I also participated in Using my Sophomore year, I was a transfer so that was my first year here. I was trying to keep my connection to dance as you did with theater! It makes me happy to hear you were able to continue acting in college because I know it is hard to move away from home and have to let go of something that has such a big place in your life!

  3. Hi Hayley! I love the name of your blog. It is so creative and original! Spotify is the absolute best. There is so much music on there and I really like how they make playlists for you based on what you listen to. Another great thing about Spotify is that if you use Spotify student (which is premium but half off) then you get to use Hulu and Showtime for free! It is great for watching new shows and such. Theatre always seems like a lot of fun. It is really great being able to watch people do something that they love to do all while entertaining everybody. Are you more of a play or musical person? I love listening to Broadway musicals!
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Hello, Hayley! I love your picture with Dawson and Todd... JMB family forever! During Camp interviews, I sometimes had to give an answer to the question "If you were any object, what would you be and why?" One of my go-to answers was a scrunchie, and my reasoning was that I hold things together and I think I actually belong in the 80s. I saw Walk the Moon in concert a few years ago, so I am insanely jealous that you got to meet Nick. One of my favorite things to do at night is just drive, so I will definitely be checking out your Night Drive playlist!

  5. Hi Hayley!

    I absolutely love your pictures and the name of the blog. I am excited to follow your blog this year and check out your takes on the stories! I just got Spotify premium so lemme hit you up with those playlists. I also LOVE driving at night so I guess I will have to check out all of your songs!

  6. Hey Hayley! I really like your taste in music. I used to listen to a lot of indie rock back in High school, but I've since listened mostly to Christian music due to religious purposes. I still go back and listen to my old music every so often when I'm in the mood though. While they're not exactly what I used to listen to (Indie is a pretty vast genre), I listened to a few of your songs in your playlist and I really liked them. I would probably listen to that genre of music if I had discovered it in High School. I totally agree with you on that Spotify Premium thing. I physically cringe when I hear a Spotify ad in the middle of a drive. They get pretty obnoxious.

  7. Hey Hayley, I joined Spotify about four years ago but I can definitely agree that it changed my life. Being able to explore nearly every song out there has significantly expanded my personal library and helped expand what I like. Spotify also has a really interesting backstory if you’re ever bored. I also did Using my freshmen year. It’s a fun opportunity that allows people to get involved with theatre without the high level of commitment that might come with a full show.

  8. Hey Hayley! My name is Sammie and I'm also a junior advertising major. I love your music playlist! I am obsessed with Spotify, too. Here's a fall playlist you might enjoy:
    It has a lot of indie music on there. 80s music is the best, too. My best friend and I's song is Your Love by The Outfield. A total classic.
    It's really cool you met the lead singer of Walk the Moon. They have some really good bops! I loved your introduction, and thanks for sharing your music!

  9. Hi Hayley! My name is Makenzi and I am also a Gaylord student. I am a senior PR major! I too loved the creativity the advertising and PR fields bring into the professional workforce. Advertising is a fun major and I've gotten to take some Ad classes that I've enjoyed. I was also in USing and it is hands down one of my favorite memories of college. I have a Spotify account as well and listen to one of my many playlists anytime I have to drive. Have a great rest of your semester!

  10. I love Spotify too! It is such a versatile app and has helped me to discover music that I never would have known about without it. (also, in case you didn't know, you can get Hulu and Showtime included in your student premium account! Just something to keep in mind.) I'm also in Gaylord as a PR major and I did USing last year and was in competitive Speech in high school! It's nice to see someone here with so many similarities. Awesome introduction!

  11. Hi Hayley! I've been a spotify premium subscriber for over 4 years now and everytime I listen to music on another service that, or spotify, with ads they drive me absolutely crazy so I feel you there! I love digging around for new artists on there and I have found some of my new favorite bands on there, even managed to see some of them in concert! Good luck on the directing gig! That is going to be a lot of work but you seem super passionate about it so I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun doing it.

    - Anna Margret

  12. Hi Hayley!
    I will definitely have to check out that Spotify playlist! I am always looking for new music and there is nothing better than jamming in the car at night. Like you said, it is a completely specific feeling and I love that there is a Spotify for it. I think it is cool you got to continue your theatre career from high school to college by participating in USing! Good luck as a director!

  13. Hello Hayley, My name is Devin I am a Chemical Engineer here at OU. I understand your struggle of not knowing what you want to do with your life because I’m a senior and still feel like I don’t know. It’s so cool that you’re a director or U-Sing, I saw it last year and I thought it was absolutely amazing!

  14. Hi Hayley, it is nice to “meet” you! I think the “Ask me about ____” is such as great idea! I’m glad you had a great summer serving as a Small Group Leader at Camp Crimson! I also really like you how explain advertising as just another way of telling a story. I have never thought of it like that, but it definitely makes sense!

  15. Hi Hayley!

    I just read your thunder story and I loved it! I was looking for your name to add to my comment and was confused about your blog title until I popped over here, and I love it! I get what you mean about spotify changing your life. I got premium my sophomore year, and music taste has gotten so broad it is kind of ridiculous. I'm super interested to hear what your "Night Drive" playlist sounds like, and it made me think of all the playlists I make. Mine are divided up by time pretty frequently. So if I want to go back and remember what the summer of 2016 sounded like, I can just click over to the playlist that spanned that time and it all rushes back. Anyway! I look forward to reading your stories!


  16. Hi Hayley!

    First of all, fun fact: my freshman year roommate spells her name the same as you! I have spotify premium too and absolutely love it! Well technically I just swiped my dad's username and password, but he hasn't changed it on me yet so I'm gonna go with it. I have really curly hair and scrunchies are honestly a godsend for me. Plus they can come in so many fun colors! I too did theatre in high school and miss it terribly. Although I was behind the scenes rather than on stage. Does U-Sing have a tech crew or is it run more talent show style with just performers?

    Good luck with your Junior year!

  17. Hey Hayley! I second your thoughts on Spotify, I absolutely love the amount of choices there are. It's also really fun when you happen to come across a band you'd never heard of, and you find their music hanging out on there! That's also awesome about Camp Crimson, I can't even describe the impact some of the SGL's had on me as a freshman. Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  18. Hey Hayley! I 100% agree with you when it come to your feelings about Spotify. I always think about how much music I have saved on that app and if I had to pay for that (if there wasn't any streaming services like Spotify) how much money I would have spent! I also think it is such a good way to find new artists and genres that you might have never tried before!

  19. Hi Hayley!
    I love the name of your blog and the explanation is perfect! I just got Spotify Premium and I love it! It kind of get a little overwhelming having to choose between so many good playlists, but I’d take that over having nothing to listen to. I think it’s so cool that you were able to link your major with something that you love. I’d never thought of Advertising like telling a story, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense!

  20. Hi Hayley!

    I always wanted to be an SGL and participate in camp crimson but I never even went for my freshman year so i did not think I would be able to be part of it like I wanted. It seemed like a great way to get to know classmates and friends before school started so I am really jealous of people who went. Also hello Advertising major! I am PR (currently typing this in the Gaylord computer lab) I am sure we have crossed paths before!

    I hope to see you around!

  21. Hi Hayley! Sounds like you are very involved on campus and thats great. It is totally normal that you don't know what you want to do out of college. That is how mostly everyone is at our age. Whatever you decide I'm sure you will be great at it. Good luck finishing up the semester!

  22. Hi Hayley!
    in case you didn't know students get a discount on Spotify with our student email. Also, if you still can, you can get Hulu with your Spotify account. My tiny little high school did not have theater, but reading your intro I can tell your passionate about it and that is great! I love that scrunchies are coming back, even though I do not have any yet maybe I can make some after the semester is over. I will check out the playlist Night Drive, always need some new playlist since I have a wide range of music taste. Hope that you have a great Thanksgiving break and a great end of the semester!


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